How Did You Celebrate Feeding Tube Awareness Week? (FTAW)

Feeding Tube Awareness Week is an annual event held in February to raise awareness about tube feeding, also known as “enteral feeding”. There are hundreds of medical conditions that may require feeding tubes if a person is unable to consume adequate nutrients by mouth. During #FeedingTubeAwarenessWeek those familiar with tube feeding aim to educate the public through sharing personal stories, educational material, and other information to show support. It's an important opportunity to foster understanding and compassion for those who depend on feeding tubes for their health.

A Little on Tube Feeding

Depending on a person’s situation, tube feeding can be a short- or long-term solution because everyone has different needs, and there are many types of feeding tubes. Tube feeding uses special formulas given directly into the stomach or intestines for digestion and can be the sole source of nutrition or used in addition to oral eating. Now that we have established a foundation on what Tube Feeding is, let’s talk more on how we can spread awareness.

Spreading Awareness

Just because Feeding Tube Awareness week is in February, doesn’t mean we should stop spreading awareness and celebrating feeding tubes after that week is over. We should be spreading awareness year-round. The goal is to normalize feeding tubes, recognizing them for what they truly are: life-saving medical devices.

Luckily, spreading awareness these days is easier than ever because of digital media. Online communities, like TubieTalk, allow you to connect with people from all over the world who share similar experiences. When you share your experiences online, through social media, blogs, etc, you're reaching out to a wide audience. This audience may just be people who want to learn more, or people going through similar journeys with feeding tubes who find comfort and support in your experiences.

Whether you're spreading awareness online or in person, it's common for friends, family, and peers of those with feeding tubes to want to offer support but feel uncertain about how to do so. By openly sharing your experiences and emphasizing the positive aspects of life with a feeding tube, you offer valuable insight and guidance to others.

However, it's important to acknowledge that not everyone may understand or react appropriately. Sometimes, despite good intentions, people can say hurtful things due to misunderstandings or lack of awareness. That's why it's crucial to advocate for using the right language and promoting accurate information about feeding tubes. By doing so, we can help educate others and create a more supportive and understanding community for individuals who rely on feeding tubes.

How our TubieTalk Community Celebrated FTAW 

With that said, we reached out to our very own tube feeding community, TubieTalk, and asked how you were celebrating Feeding Tube Awareness Week. Here is some of the feedback we got!

  • “Gratitude” - @lifecoachhina

  • “Donating profits from tubie books to charity, made educational content on the different tubie types” - @plutoprintsco

  • “Shared the story of our g-tube kid at work! And I’m writing about the costs of g-tube care” - @britt_mccaffrey

  • “I made a reel to raise awareness on feeding tubes” - @tiredandanryyad

  • “By raising awareness about my experience with a g-tube and being awesome!” @ccspaulding4554

  • “Cute tubie tape!!” - @the__wrenaissance

  • “Spreading Awareness” - @a.mandanoelle

  • “Sharing some of our inspiring patients’ tube feeding stories who wanted to be featured on our social media” - @sentido_health

  • “With gratitude and a smile because it keeps me alive!! <3” - @positively_tarad”

An Ongoing Effort

It is important to recognize that celebrating and raising tube feeding awareness goes beyond just one week. It is an ongoing effort! Some of the ways to continue to spread awareness is by engaging in conversations about the benefits of feeding tubes, sharing and listening to testimonials, and by celebrating feeding tube wins! When we come together and change the narrative around feeding tubes, we create a more inclusive and understanding society

Thank you to the individuals in the TubieTalk community that shared how they celebrated feeding tube awareness week. We look forward to growing this community and engaging with all of you! Remember that every action, no matter how small, makes a difference for individuals who rely on feeding tubes for nutrition and overall health.


Redefining Nutrition for Inclusivity


Holly’s Tubie Testimonial