
Change the party from ‘food focus’ to an ‘activity focus.’ Have your child’s birthday at an indoor playground, park, art workshop, or have an activity party at your home. Make a ‘cake’ they can eat such as a lollipop cake or whipped cream cake (google ‘cake alternatives’ for more ideas).

Hands-On Parties

Take a step back and re-evaluate what’s important to your child. If they don’t want a party, let them plan out their “picture perfect” day. Spend the day at their favorite parks, museums, stores, zoos, or arcades.

Undisclosed Parties



  • Pass out non-food treats for a safe and inclusive Halloween. Talk to your neighbors about doing the same; or drop off non-food treats at their houses beforehand. Some non-food treats include: glow sticks, spider rings, slinkys, stickers, bubbles, and crayons.

  • This project encourages families to pass out non-food treats for kids with various medical needs. Participants place a teal-colored pumpkin on their doorstep, and they can also add their home to the online Teal Pumpkin Project Map, so those looking for non-food treats can easily find it.

  • Celebrate Halloween by helping your tubie carve or paint pumpkins!

Christmas & Thanksgiving

  • Include your tubie in holiday meals by giving them coloring pages, crafts, or toys to play with during the meal. If your child is uncomfortable sitting and watching others eat, here are some options to consider during meal time:

    • Have your child take a nap

    • Designate a sibling or relative to play with them

    • Go for a walk during meal time

    • If your visiting another home, skip the meal and visit with friends/family before or after.